Firemné prezentácie
Internetové obchody
Riešenia na mieru
Návrh UI a UX optimalizácia
Drupal a Wordpress programovanie

The presentation includes product categorization options, a slideshow on the homepage as well as a subpage with news, in which the client maps the current events around the winery.
We designed the website with thematically chosen additions in graphics, which we tried to enliven with subtle, understated micro animations. Our client has the possibility to completely manage the content of the site, while we emphasized the ease of use of the administration.
The site's graphics are fully responsive. It is thus ready for all mobiles and tablets.
Website of the family winery Muráni with categorized presentation of wines and online shop.
Muráni wine Čajkov is a Slovak producer of wines from the Štiavnické vrchy region. This winery has been operating in Slovakia since 1993, but their tradition goes back 5 generations. For the purpose of online presentation, we have prepared an online catalogue of their products for the family-owned wine and wine production company, including an online shop.