Firemné prezentácie
Internetové obchody
Riešenia na mieru
Návrh UI a UX optimalizácia
Drupal a Wordpress programovanie
Within the structure of family relationships, it is possible to trace the links and connections between individual family members. The site includes a login that allows only people with login credentials to access the content. The solution is also built on its own server infrastructure with security and encryption to enhance data security.
The choice of custom servers was also important in terms of one of the main features of the site. The latter converts videos into the required format, which are published in a structured form to user profiles.
Thus, within the family tree, photos (both albums and photos), videos, and various information can be added to the family members on the basis of which it is possible to make a breakdown. Examples are filtering by profession (e.g. filtering painters) or by language (English speakers only). In addition, it is possible to add various life events to persons that can be linked to points on the Google map, which makes it possible to obtain a huge amount of data that is presented in a very interesting way.
The whole site is based on the principle of different user permissions. These provide different levels of access and content management. Users have at their disposal clear tables, graphical family trees, searches based on a full-text index as well as two language versions. The entire interface is also optimised for mobile devices.
A sophisticated private genealogy project. In addition to family links, Family Tree also includes extensive data manipulation capabilities.
This is a very interesting private project in the field of genealogy. Simply, it is a website focused on family genealogy.